SAT Math Question of the Day

Math Category: Exponents:

Q: x(a + b) / xa

  1. xa
  2. xb
  3. x(1 + b)
  4. x(1 + b/a)
  5. x(2a + b)


The correct answer is B.

A: xb is the correct answer.

Remember these rules:

  1. If the base (x) is the same and you're multiplying, you add the exponents.
    xa xb= xa+b
  2. If the base (x) is the same and you're dividing, you subtract the exponents.
    xa + b / xa = xa + b - a = xb

If you forget what to do on the SAT, try Pick and Play. Pick some small numbers (but not 0 or 1) for all the variables and then plug them in.
For example, x = 2, a = 3, b = 2
x(a + b) / xa = 2(3 + 2) / 23 = 25 / 23 = 32 / 8 = 4
Now plug in the same variables into the possible answers. Use your calculator when needed.

  1. xa = 23 = 8 Does NOT match 4, so this is wrong.
  2. xb = 22 = 4. Matches, so it might be right, but we have to check the other answers too.
  3. x(1 + b) = 2(1 + 2) = 23 = 8. No match.
  4. x(1 + b/a) = 2(1 + 2/3) = 2(5/3). Ugh... this looks too complex.
  5. x(2a + b) = 2(2* 3 + 2) = 28 = 256. Way too high.
Since B) is the only match, it must be the correct answer.